March 20, 2020 Instructions In Righteousness
Like a faithful relationship between a husband and wife, heaven calls us to be devoted to prayer (Col. 4:2 and Acts 2:42). Devoted means committed, steadfast, passionate, and faithful. Devoted means more than attending a prayer meeting or being dutiful to daily devotions; it is a love affair with prayer. I have never seen supernatural things happen or someone getting saved without somebody praying passionately. Devotion involves intimacy; it requires opening our hearts and sharing our deepest thoughts. It is both heartfelt and fervent. It also involves integrity; it is always honest and true. Devotion to prayer is devotion to the one we are praying to. It must therefore be filled with faith for it is to Almighty God that we pray. If we doubt when we pray, we will never receive what we pray for. We must pray as if we already have the answer. Be devoted to prayer.
Anointed Prayer
We must pray all the time, and when we pray, we must always pray in faith. Prayer should rise from the depths of our being, be adjusted to line up with God’s word and the Holy Spirit, and then be released like hot incense. That kind of prayer will always enter the throne room and catch the attention of heaven. If you pray like that, you are praying in faith. If you pray like that, then you demonstrate that you believe you are being heard and that the Lord will answer your prayers. Do that and your prayers will be powerful.

Prayer Meeting Cautions
Over the years I have been to many prayer meetings where a lot of time was devoted to sharing and talking about prayer requests and little time was given to prayer. I suggest we reverse the pattern. When prayer requests are drawn out and shared in detail, the anointing for prayer is reduced. Do not share too much before you pray, you are releasing the burden prematurely and inappropriately. Try to share as little as possible. It is better to mention the need in only a sentence. Then jump into the hurricane of faith and pray until the burden is released. That way you release the burden, not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Others can then join in and follow with exuberant prayer and agreement.
Start in faith and end with assurance. Your prayers should build. Start by coming to Jesus, but end with prophecy-filled prayer. Start with requests unto God, but end by speaking to the need with authority from your place in the throne room. The Holy Spirit will teach you how to pray when your heart, and prayers are burning with expectation.
Later, during a time of fellowship, the needs can be shared in detail. Even then they should be communicated with faith and not fear or anxiety. Those who are not yet saved or are young in the Lord will not understand the need for anointing. Patience is required to teach them the life of the Spirit.
The Bible Mandate
“The fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.” Js. 5:16
Fervent prayer changes the world around us. Passionate prayer is the Bible mandate for all disciples.
Scripture records 650 different prayers and 450 direct answers to prayer. Jesus’ prayers are recorded 25 times, and Paul mentions prayer 41 times. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Some things will not happen unless we pray. We are even taught how we should pray and how often we should pray. This is essential and all of us should be consumed with and devoted to prayer.
Formats for Prayer
“I want men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” 1Tim. 2:8
One of the shortest verses in the Bible is 1Thessalonians 5:28 It says,
“Pray continually.”
The call for continual prayer is clear, and it can be exercised when you are in a group or when you are alone.
1. First of all, prayer should be exercised by individuals privately.
Jesus said, “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Mt. 6:6
and shared in detail, the anointing for prayer is reduced. Do not share too much before you pray, you are releasing the burden prematurely and inappropriately. Try to share as little as possible. It is better to mention the need in only a sentence. Then jump into the hurricane of faith and pray until the burden is released. That way you release the burden, not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Others can then join in and follow with exuberant prayer and agreement.
Start in faith and end with assurance. Your prayers should build. Start by coming to Jesus, but end with prophecy-filled prayer. Start with requests unto God, but end by speaking to the need with authority from your place in the throne room. The Holy Spirit will teach you how to pray when your heart, and prayers are burning with expectation.
Later, during a time of fellowship, the needs can be shared in detail. Even then they should be communicated with faith and not fear or anxiety. Those who are not yet saved or are young in the Lord will not understand the need for anointing. Patience is required to teach them the life of the Spirit.
The Bible Mandate
“The fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.” Js. 5:16
Fervent prayer changes the world around us. Passionate prayer is the Bible mandate for all disciples.
Scripture records 650 different prayers and 450 direct answers to prayer. Jesus’ prayers are recorded 25 times, and Paul mentions prayer 41 times. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Some things will not happen unless we pray. We are even taught how we should pray and how often we should pray. This is essential and all of us should be consumed with and devoted to prayer.
Formats for Prayer
“I want men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” 1Tim. 2:8
One of the shortest verses in the Bible is 1Thessalonians 5:28 It says,
“Pray continually.”
The call for continual prayer is clear, and it can be exercised when you are in a group or when you are alone.
1. First of all, prayer should be exercised by individuals privately.
Jesus said, “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Mt. 6:6
Jesus often left his disciples and went to a solitary place to pray. Peter went up on the roof top to be alone in order to pray when he was in the house of Simon the tanner. God wants personal time with you.
2. Prayer should also be lifted up with another person – a prayer partner.
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Mt. 18:19
Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him for special times of prayer. Paul and Silas went down to the river to find a place of prayer. Peter and John went up to the temple together to pray at the time of prayer. Find the right prayer partner and your prayers will be dynamic and anointed.
3. Prayer should also be with a group or congregation.
Group prayer happened in the upper room when the Pentecostal revival broke out in Acts two. Prayer gatherings are mentioned after Peter and John were released by the Sanhedrin in Acts four, and when Peter was freed from prison by an angel in Acts twelve. During a prayer meeting, God launched Paul’s missionary journeys in Acts thirteen. The early church met constantly in homes to devote themselves to prayer, as mentioned in Acts two. Powerful things happen when individuals, a few people, or a congregation pray with passion and devotion.
Types of Prayer
There are seven types of prayer in the Bible. Thanksgiving, dedication, petitions, supplication, intercession, Prophetic proclamation and praise, and tongues.
For an in-depth teaching on the seven types of prayer I encourage you to get my book, Prayer That Hits the Target.
A Prayer Challenge
A man of God named George Mueller was born in 1805. He was devoted to prayer. He was led to demonstrate the power of prayer by trusting God for everything. He kept a book to record his prayer requests. On one side of the page he wrote his request, and when God answered his prayer, he recorded the answer on the other side of the page. He filled many books with the records of answers to prayer. He started ministering in Bristol, England by caring for orphans. He needed a house, food, and supplies for these children but he never told people of his needs, he just prayed and God supplied.
As the ministry grew, the cost and the needs grew, but God supplied every need through donations that he never solicited, except in private prayer. He established an orphanage house, then many others, and before his ministry was finished George Mueller cared for 10,024 orphans. He also raised up 117 schools and helped educate 120,000 children. All the finances came because he was devoted to passionate prayer.
I challenge you to follow Mr Mueller’s example and be devoted to prayer. Listen and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit, for no two lives or ministries are identical. The early church was devoted to prayer and the end-time church will be as well. You have a part to play. Your destiny will be fulfilled through devoted pray. Find the secret place, find a prayer partner, find a church, but most of all, find the throne room.
uchechi March 20, 2020
i appreciate this write up and am bless on it
Francisco .Sigrah March 20, 2020
I also believed in Prayers, I did have some experieces in when prayers are answered by our Holy Father in Heaven