January 23, 2025 Instructions In Righteousness

For years, Joy and I have traveled the nations preaching Christ. Recently, we combined our trips to Kenya with a visit to a wealthy Muslim nation. Since we already bought tickets to cross the Atlantic, it was logistically prudent to visit a couple of countries. What an eye-opener to discover how extremely different these nations are. One is so poor that entire communities sleep outside under the stars, and the other is so wealthy that they have their cars refueled in their driveways and never go to a gas station to fill up. One group may not read or write and the other have been trained in the finest global universities. Our preaching style with each is different but the message is the same; “Jesus sees you and He calls you to become part of His family.” People everywhere recognize God’s love. Some celebrate with dance, song and hilarious excitement, others with sobbing tears of thanksgiving and heartfelt gratitude. The poor dance, the rich weep, and all are touched by God’s love.
With excitement, I embrace the prophetic scripture regarding the huge global revival that is coming. “After this I looked and there before me was a multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes” Rev. 7:9. The revival that is coming involves multitudes from every people group. God still loves the world.
Global news continues to be filled with drama. Without much warning, wars erupt, dictators fall, governments change hands, epidemics rise, hurricanes devastate, wickedness raises its ugly head, and unknown godly champions step forward. Through it all, the purposes of God continue to unfold according to His predetermined plans. The crucible of human events always produces a remnant of God-seekers and courageous soldiers of the faith. It is this multitude of disciples who are being trained by God as ministers of the revival that is coming. They will have faith tried in the fire, zeal fashioned by spiritual revelation, specialized skills gifted by the Holy Spirit, and resolve forged by many rescues from personal traumas. These disciples will step up to fulfill Scripture; they are the new preachers. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” Mt. 24:14.

I want to tell you of an amazing man (who will remain nameless). He has served the US military with great intensity and dedication. He lost a dear son at a young age and struggled through more than one disappointing marriage; he has definitely had a life of enormous challenges.
By God’s grace, regardless of his pain, his love for people and his heart to serve has kept him moving in the right direction. For decades he successfully led an Alcoholics Anonymous group and has helped dozens of men recover from addiction. In recent years he has joined our church, become our men’s ministry coordinator and has become a dear personal friend. Because of him, the men’s breakfast, which was already strong, has now doubled in size. Because of his amazing testimony and his many years of unwavering service to God’s people, I was honored to finally ordain him as a minister.
Over the past season his engaged daughter asked him to perform her marriage ceremony. This man is not a preacher but was honored by his daughter’s request and approached me for help. I gave him what he needed to preach and perform the ceremony and it all took place just a week ago. He said, “I was more nervous than the bride.” The service went well and he told me, when it was all finished, there was not a dry eye in the place. I was not there but it was obviously a touching, heartfelt service and God ministered to many people.
Get ready for hundreds of amazing testimonies just like this one, as God prepares His people to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the nations of the world.
As I write, the Middle East is witnessing Israel’s enemies pushed back on their heels. A long intense war seems to be coming to an end and Israel has been victorious. Here in the USA, it seems that the Church has also won an enormous victory. Bible-believing Christians have been fighting for godly principles to prevail over America and this past election cycle has favored them.
When believers win spiritual battles, the church is emboldened, angels come to assist, and testimonies of individual faith and miracles begin to emerge. This is a time to lift up our heads and be bold for the cause of Christ. Extraordinary signs and wonders will become more common and more souls will be saved. It is time to advance your faith and exercise your spiritual muscles. Step up and serve the Lord.
It may come gradually or with surprising bursts of speed but glorious things will happen during this season. Look to Christian youth for extraordinary leaps of faith, and expect amazing, miraculous answers to prayer. New leaders will emerge. The devil has been pushed back on his heels and angels are hindering his progress. We are being prepared for the supernatural victory that will happen during the great tribulation. Scripture tells of our victory over the devil during that time. It says, “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” Rev. 12:11.
Jesus told us that the fields are white and ready for harvest, and that we should pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers. As you pray you will discover that God will call you to be one of those workers.
The on-ramp for you will be different than what others are doing. Some will become part of a mission-minded church. Some will give large financial contributions, above their regular tithes and offerings, toward the work of missions. Others will go as first responders to help recovery efforts where disaster has struck. Still others will go and preach in nations far away. They will first encourage and equip local churches that need spiritual impartation. Some will actively preach to the unsaved and see a harvest of new souls won for Christ. Start with prayer, and the Lord will direct you. Let this year be significant. The Lord is ready to activate those who give Him their all and make themselves available. God still loves the world, and He is the Lord of the Harvest.
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Founder & President
Christian for Messiah Ministries
Pastor at Antioch International Church
Instructions in Righteousness is produced by “Christians for Messiah Ministries” (CFM). Dr. Peter Wyns is the President of CFM and the Head Pastor of Antioch International Church. He has served as a pastor for 54 years and ministered in more than 45 nations.
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