The outcome for God’s eternal plan is set and it was set before the world was formed. One thing, however, has not yet been determined; it is the destiny of every individual. History reveals the progressive unfolding of God’s plan. From the days of hunters and gatherers until now, the world has undergone enormous shifts in technology and culture. Change is everywhere, but in every age God’s attitude toward people has not changed. He looks at a man’s heart. Those who humble themselves, follow after truth, and seek Him with all of their hearts, find Him. The heart condition determines one’s outcome. Today, we live in a time of mixture. There seems to be a lot of middle ground. God’s grace even covers compromise and makes room for the lukewarm, but this will not continue. Soon, another shift will come, and when it does, there will be no middle ground. 

The Wicked and the Wise

Looking back at history is not our only guide to understanding God’s plan. The Bible also reveals God’s plan. It says that a time is coming when there will be no middle ground. Scripture reveals that 2 categories of people will dominate the end time; the wicked and the wise. Read the following.

“The words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” Dan. 12: 9-10

These verses tell us 7 important things. 1. Some truths will only be revealed at the end of time. 2. At that time there will be a great revival, for many will be purified. 3. The people of God will exercise righteous behavior because they will be spotless. 4. The people will become true disciples of Christ and not believers only, because it says that many will be refined. 5. Wicked people will continue to be wicked. 6. None of the wicked will understand what God is doing. 7. The wise (including all who are purified, made spotless, and refined) will understand and be in step with God’s plan. The church will receive a revelation upgrade.

In the last days, everyone will be moved from their prior position, especially those who are lukewarm Christians. They will either become wicked or wise; there will be no middle ground. This is a warning for everyone. If you are a lukewarm believer, press into God quickly while you still can. Fence-sitters will be forced off the fence. People will either be drawn to a life of total commitment to God or be drawn away by doctrines of devils or by the cunning deceit of a wicked generation. Many are already in a deadly mixture of moral compromise. They need to get out of it.

Let’s look at how wickedness and wisdom start. Remember, none of the wicked will understand. If you are on the road to wickedness, for the first few stages, you may not even be aware of your depravity. The first miles do not appear to be wicked but they will unavoidably lead to it. If you suppress the truth you will become wicked.

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all … wickedness of men. Who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” Rom. 1: 18

Five Steps of Wickedness

Here are the 5 steps of wickedness as found in Rom. 1:18-32.

1. Selfishness is the 1st step toward

wickedness. A self-centered person is not thankful except when it serves their purposes. Romans 1 shows us the progression from being unthankful to becoming wicked.

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him … They have become filled with every kind of wickedness.” Rom. 1:21,29

2.  Pride is the 2nd step to wickedness. Proud people do not know how proud they are. Their friends know, but they are blind to it. Pride is the root cause of every sin and God resists the proud. 

“Although they claim to be wise, they became fools. And exchanged the glory of the immortal God for        images.”  Rom. 1:22-23

they will be spotless. 4. The people will become true disciples of Christ and not believers only, because it says that many will be refined. 5. Wicked people will continue to be wicked. 6. None of the wicked will understand what God is doing. 7. The wise (including all who are purified, made spotless, and refined) will understand and be in step with God’s plan. The church will receive a revelation upgrade.

In the last days, everyone will be moved from their prior position, especially those who are lukewarm Christians. They will either become wicked or wise; there will be no middle ground. This is a warning for everyone. If you are a lukewarm believer, press into God quickly while you still can. Fence-sitters will be forced off the fence. People will either be drawn to a life of total commitment to God or be drawn away by doctrines of devils or by the cunning deceit of a wicked generation. Many are already in a deadly mixture of moral compromise. They need to get out of it.

Let’s look at how wickedness and wisdom start. Remember, none of the wicked will understand. If you are on the road to wickedness, for the first few stages, you may not even be aware of your depravity. The first miles do not appear to be wicked but they will unavoidably lead to it. If you suppress the truth you will become wicked.

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all … wickedness of men. Who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” Rom. 1: 18

Five Steps of Wickedness

Here are the 5 steps of wickedness as found in Rom. 1:18-32.

1. Selfishness is the 1st step toward

wickedness. A self-centered person is not thankful except when it serves their purposes. Romans 1 shows us the progression from being unthankful to becoming wicked.

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him … They have become filled with every kind of wickedness.” Rom. 1:21,29

2.  Pride is the 2nd step to wickedness. Proud people do not know how proud they are. Their friends know, but they are blind to it. Pride is the root cause of every sin and God resists the proud. 

“Although they claim to be wise, they became fools. And exchanged the glory of the immortal God for        images.”  Rom. 1:22-23

3. Perversion is the 3rd step of wickedness.

Many, even in the church, are involved in sexual sin. America is full of perversion.  

“Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity … their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” Rom. 1: 24-27

The homosexual spirit is forcefully advancing in America. No mainstream leader is challenging it. In Canada they are passing laws to jail people for addressing someone by a sex gender they don’t prefer. Another move says a child does not need to be gender identified at birth, so they can choose their preferred sex as they grow up.

4. Hurting others is the 4th step of wickedness. From our streets to our capital buildings, hurting has become popular. Note how common the following is in America.

“They have become filled with evil, greed and depravity … envy, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent … they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents … they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” Rom. 1:29-32

5. Murder is the 5th step of wickedness.

“God … gave them over to a depraved mind … They are full of … murder.” Rom. 1:28-29

Murder is increasing. Every year, more than one million children in America are murdered in the womb through abortions. And murder is now common in our cities.

The Wise

The wicked will increase and become more wicked, but the wise will become wiser. Wisdom is godly character in action, it is not mere knowledge. Here are 4 steps to obtain godly wisdom. I use the letters from wise to illustrate.

1.  W – stands for Worship. This is not just singing songs about Jesus, but giving everything to God; body, soul and spirit. Wisdom is a life of obedience.

2. I – stands for Insight. To be wise, you will need revelation from God. Find wisdom that comes from above. Study the scriptures, listen to the Holy Spirit and ask for Holy Spirit wisdom.

3. S – stands for Spiritual. To be wise, receive correction and power from the Holy Spirit. Do not be part of the religious group that denies the miracles of the Holy Spirit. Stay away from them. They will miss God unless they change.

4. E – stands for Exercise. Spiritual growth and wisdom are dependant on exercise. Activate your faith through obedient service. All believers are active or atrophied. Atrophy is a decline in vigor and effectiveness due to underuse. It is time to act; do everything God says. Worship by giving your all. Seek godly insights through prayer and study. Be spiritual and expect miracles, and always exercise your gifting. Be a doer of the word and not a hearer only and God will make you wise.

None of the wicked will understand but the wise will understand. Days of revival will soon be here. Make sure that you are among the wise. There will be no middle ground. 

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