Ghana Mission
August 18 – August 30, 2023
Dr. Peter and Joy Wyns will travel to Accra, Ghana, from August 18 to 30. They will train pastors from 42 congregations at a leaders conference for 3 days. They will then be the keynote speaker for the general assembly conference of this group of churches called The Work of the Ministry Conference. They will be ordaining pastors and dedicating new properties for the kingdom of God.
Thank you for your strong support. Please keep them in your prayers!
Update 8/20/2023 Conference: First Day
Dr. Peter Wyns presented on the first day of the The Work of the Ministry Conference. He called his talk the Seven Goals of a Bible Church. His presentation begins at 27:41 in the first video and continues to the second one.
Update 8/21/2023 Conference: Second Day
Dr. Peter Wyns presented on the second day of the The Work of the Ministry Conference. He spoke about the kinds of prayer. His presentation begins at 27:18 in the first video and continues to the second one.
His presentation in the second day’s evening session is in this video. He spoke on generational blessings and curses.
Update 8/22/2023 Conference: Third Day
Dr. Peter Wyns presented on the third day of the The Work of the Ministry Conference. He spoke about Israel and the Jewish people. His presentation begins at 23:36 in this video.
His presentation in the third day’s evening session begins at 1:17:45 in this video. Below is the picture he promised us at the beginning of this talk. He continued his presentation on Israel.
Update 8/23/2023 Home-Coming Convention: First Day
Dr. Peter Wyns presented at the evening session of the Home-Coming Convention on Luke 10:25-37 about the good Samaritan. His message begins at 42:14 in this video.
Update 8/24/2023 Home-Coming Convention: Second Day
Dr. Peter Wyns presented on the second day of the Home-Coming Convention during the evening session. His message begins at 1:54:22 in this video.
Update 8/25/2023 Home-Coming Convention: Third Day
On the third day of the Home-Coming Convention, Dr. Peter Wyns addressed the morning session on the subject of dreams. The first part of his message on dreams begins at 1:30:41 in this video and it continues in this video.
Update 8/26/2023 Home-Coming Convention: Fourth Day
On the fourth day of the Home-Coming Convention there was singing, dancing and an ordination service.
Update 8/27/2023 Home-Coming Convention: Sunday Service
Dr. Peter Wyns addressed those attending the Sunday Service starting at 40:33 in this video. He spoke about the seven benefits of the Bible:
- The Bible is your searchlight.
- The Bible is your staple food.
- The Bible is your standard for sound doctrine.
- The Bible is your sword and shield.
- The Bible is your sanctuary and shelter.
- The Bible is your sanctifying agent.
- The Bible is your supernatural inspiration.
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